Monday, March 25, 2013

Just Real

i haven't blogged at all really in the last couple of years. and when i try to come up with a reason i am struck with so many that its just too many to list. these are the same things that come to mind when i try to write a new entry. truth......i've spent a lot of time journaling, and a lot of time on my knees. a lot of time hurting and and struggling and growing. i'd love to paint the picture of perfection or just beeing too busy jet setting. but i want to be real. i have always loved sharing fashion tips and beauty tips and decor ideas. but what i've loved best about blogging are the relationships i've developed with people who will forever be in my heart. i've made one of the best friends i'll ever know and will always want to have in my life. and we've never even met in person. if i could reach someone or love on someone for Him with this blog, that would be my heart's desire. i just want to be real. i don't have a fancy camera to share pictures of a glamorous life, i don't have the most exciting life in the world. many times i say and do the wrong things, make bad decisions. i've learned to sit very still in my own skin and just be real. so i'm going to share my realness with you. i hope that you will join me. i hope i can speak to your heart and share a journey. a journey i have come to appreciate in a way i never have before. i've come through the valley. i'm still climbing the mountain and i still stumble and fall. but i always get back up and keep going. thats the point, right? you all will remember my blog (and if you are new and don't) southern sugar. i scooted over to wild sugar here. i've found i have a wild heart and a wild life and in a good way. i love my life. it isn't where i thought i'd be. but its in His plan for me, of that I am certain. i've learned to enjoy the ride, color outside the lines, do it afraid, and take chances and i've been surprised by what i've learned. wherever you are today in your life, no matter your circumstance..............

The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.", no matter your failures or what fire you've been through. Deut 31:8

dance in the kitchen, sing in the shower, walk in the rain. this life is good! in everything give Him praise and thanks, even the pain. just be real.